To view Zoom’s attendance report from within the Blackboard course, go to Blackboard, navigate to the course, and navigate to the Zoom course tool.
From the Zoom course tool, click on the Previous Meetings tab. Locate the meeting session that you would like to review the meeting report. Once located, click on the Report hyperlink that is to the right of the Meeting ID.

A window will appear with a report of the meeting’s attendees. The report will contain the name and email addresses of the attendees, as well as the time they joined the meeting, left the meeting, and duration of time spent in the meeting. If you would like to download a .CSV copy of the report, click the Export as CSV file hyperlink

Please note: Accuracy in reporting may vary depending on how attendees join the meeting. If the student joins the session as a guest, it will display their name as the guest name that they used; the email will either be blank or a personal email.
It is recommended that students sign into their CCRI Zoom account, via SSO, when participating in a Zoom class.