Adding Office Hours In MyCCRI

Description: Add office hours to your course schedule using MyCCRI.

How-to Steps:

  1. Log into MyCCRI and click on the For Faculty tab.

  2. Click on Faculty Detail Schedule.

  3. At the Select Term screen, select the current term from the drop-down menu. Then click Submit.

  4. You should now be brought to your course list for the selected term. Scroll down to the course for which you wish to add office hours. Next to "Office Hours," click Add.Information Technology
  5. Scroll down to the Office Hours section and fill in the pertinent information, i.e. hours, days, phone #,etc.

    Note: When entering office hours, remember to use the 24 hour clock system. i.e. 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. should be entered in using four digits for each hour - 0800 to 0900.Information Technology

  6. When you have finished filling in your information, click on the down arrow next to " Copy To: " and select the course(s) to distribute the office hours to.

    Then, click "Submit."

    Note: Make sure that "Display" has been checked. Students will not see the posted hours if this has not been checked.Information Technology

Additional Information:

  • Search or browse our online Knowledge Base
  • Call the CCRI IT Help Desk at (401) 825-1112
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Article ID: 95095
Thu 1/2/20 3:26 PM
Fri 1/3/20 12:03 AM