Search if the user exist in BDMS from the Application Manager, Dora, Users Tab.

Import user
Select the as the domain on the production system. Fill in the user name, click search.
Check the correct user from the search results, and click on import to import the AD account into BDMS.

Message box "Import Complete" appears as an indication the user has been imported to BDMS.

Granting User to BDMS applications.
Search the user from the users tab. Click on the user name to bring up the page to add the user to the groups that have permissions to access the different bdms applications.

Click on Groups tab from the user information page, Fill in the group name to filter or select the group name from the list and select the appropriate group for the application the users requested.
In this case, the user will be granted to ability to view, upload and modify documents in the (B-F-DOCs) Banner Finance Purchasing and Accounts Payable Application.
Click on the Save button to commit the changes.