Knowledge Base

Categories (10)

Account Management & User Access

CCRI username and password management; access requests, includes access to Office 365 Email, MyCCRI, Blackboard, Banner, Department share drive, etc.

Classroom and A/V Media Services

Classroom technology support and professional A/V media services to support events.

Computers, Software & Printing

Support for CCRI-owned hardware, software and other devices, includes desktops, laptops, printers, MFDs, iPads, software requests, e-quotes.

Enterprise Applications

Banner, Workflow, Argos, BDMS, DegreeWorks, SignalVine, etc.

Networking and Wireless Services

Requests and issues connecting a computer or device to the CCRI network, includes wired and wireless as well as remote access.

Office 365, Email and Calendaring

Office 365 support for email and other apps, includes Outlook, OneDrive, OneNote, Teams

Online Learning and Technology Services

Online Learning and technology tools and consulting services, includes Blackboard, Medial, Respondus Lockdown Browser and Monitor.

Security and Safe Computing

IT security, including the ability to report incidents and information to protect yourself online

Telephony, Communication and Collaboration

Phones, voicemail and audioconferencing and videoconferencing, includes desk and cell phones...

Web Services

Request new websites, website access, or assistance with OmniUpdate.

Articles (2)

Set Student Accommodations for Blackboard Assessments (tests and quizzes)

Some students will require accommodations for extended time on Blackboard assessments. There are various ways to meet such accommodations in Blackboard assessments by configuring extra time in test option settings.

WebEx Polling Questionnaire

WebEx Polling Questionnaires. Learn how to create, edit, import poll questionnaires, as well as save results.