Computers, Software & Printing

Support for CCRI-owned hardware, software and other devices, includes desktops, laptops, printers, MFDs, iPads, software requests, e-quotes.

Categories (7)


A category dedicated to PaperCut with tutorials, troubleshooting guides, and more.

General Hardware and Software Setup

Articles that provide recommendations and instructions for setting up hardware and installing software on devices used within the organization.

Browser Settings

Guides on configuring browser settings and enabling features necessary for optimal functionality and user experience in various applications.

Printing Information and Policies

Resources detailing printing procedures, policies, and troubleshooting tips for users across different roles, including students, faculty, and guests.

Windows Tutorials

A collection of guides and procedures for using Windows 10, including configuration management, device imaging, and troubleshooting common errors.

MacOS Tutorials

Instructions for managing MacOS features, including drive mapping, and reimaging.

Mobile Device Support

Guides for signing documents, and managing settings on iPhones, iPads, and other mobile devices.

Articles (1)

Equipment Loan Policies

Equipment loan policies