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    How to enter midterm grades for your courses in MyCCRI.
    How faculty can add final grades to their courses through MyCCRI.
    Why am I getting timed out from MyCCRI?
    What if I get a "Break- in attempt detected" while in MyCCRI
    How to access and complete an online course evaluation.
    Students can conveniently access their unofficial transcripts through the MyCCRI portal.
    Please see the attached file for information on the Faculty Dashboard, located in the For Faculty tab in MyCCRI
    Faculty can view their class rosters in two ways. The Detail Class List displays each student and his/her information in a separate table. The Summary Class List displays all the student names in a single table so that the data can be used to create an electronic grade book. Each student name is a link to their personal information. These instructions describe the process of viewing the Detail Class List option.
    Here's an easy way to view office hours a faculty member has posted to a course you are taking.
    How to enter a course registration override from the Faculty Dashboard
    With the launch of our new-look MyCCRI portal – powered by Ellucian Experience – schedule for Monday, August 19, our Information Technology (IT) team is excited to share a few details on what to expect when the new portal debuts.
    Where can I find my registered students emails? When viewing a class roster in the Faculty Dashboard, you will see a list of all registered students. On this page, you can check off some or all students on this list, then click the Email icon and it will open a draft email that sends to all the selected student's emails.
    Why can't I see the student in the course?
    How to Add Classes in MyCCRI.
    The College provides you with many ways to pay your bill. You may pay Online, By Mail or On Campus.