Description: This article describes how faculty can enter midterm grades for their courses in MyCCRI. You must log in to your MyCCRI account in order to access this function. If you are not sure of your MyCCRI username and/or password, please contact the Help Desk at 825-1112.
How-to Steps:
1. Log into your MyCCRI account and click on the hamburger icon to open the Main Menu
2. Click on Faculty
3. Click on the Faculty Dashboard button
4. From the "Faculty Services" page, click "Faculty Grade Entry"
5. Select the grading type (Mid-term or final)
Click on “Term” to arrange the courses where the most recent to the top
Locate the course for which you wish to enter mid-term or final grades. Confirm the course name and semester, then click the “Not Started” button to the left of the course name. The grade entry section will appear on the lower half of the same page - you may need to scroll down.
Please Do Not enter a last attend date or attend hours for Mid-Term Grades
Please submit your grades often as there is a 60 minute time limit.
Additional Information:
- Search or browse our online Knowledge Base
- Call the CCRI IT Help Desk at (401) 825-1112