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    How to print your class roster.
    How to enter midterm grades for your courses in MyCCRI.
    How faculty can add final grades to their courses through MyCCRI.
    Please see the attached file for information on the Faculty Dashboard, located in the For Faculty tab in MyCCRI
    Faculty can view their class rosters in two ways. The Detail Class List displays each student and his/her information in a separate table. The Summary Class List displays all the student names in a single table so that the data can be used to create an electronic grade book. Each student name is a link to their personal information. These instructions describe the process of viewing the Detail Class List option.
    All faculty (including those who have every student attend) should verify student attendance.​​​​​​​
    Faculty have two options for viewing their course schedules in MyCCRI. The Faculty Detail Schedule displays information on each individual course the faculty member is attached to, including enrollment counts, meeting times and locations. There is an option for each course to add syllabus information and office hours. There is also a link from each course record directly to the roster.
    The Faculty Schedule by Day and Time displays a calendar view by the week of all courses attached to a faculty account. This schedule includes the dates, time, and location of each course. Each course is also linked to additional information on enrollment counts and status (cancelled, closed, open etc.). This schedule can be printed out as a handy reference sheet for the beginning of each semester.
    Faculty can view their class rosters in two ways. The Detail Class List displays each student and his/her information in a separate table. The Summary Class List displays all the student names in a single table so that the data can be used to create an electronic grade book. Each student's name is a link to their personal information. These instructions describe the process of viewing the Summary Class List option.
    Add a syllabus or important information to your course schedule using MyCCRI.