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    If you don’t want to miss important calls, forward them to another number. If you don't want to be interrupted, forward calls to voicemail. In User Hub, you can also configure when and whom to forward calls.
    This is how you can allow callers to press 0 and be transferred to another phone number, of your choosing, when they reach your voicemail greeting.
    This is how you can change your voicemail message to a custom recording instead of the Webex Default
    This how you reset your Webex Voicemail PIN to access your voicemail messages and this is used to sign into the Webex desk phones.
    This is how you change your Agent Status for the Call Queues on the Cisco Webex Desk Phones
    This is how you view your call history in the Webex app.
    This is how you make calls while working in the Webex app.
    This is how you log in and out on the Cisco Webex Desk Phones
    This is how to check and change your calling settings in the Webex app.
    This is how you answer calls while working in the Webex app.