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    How to connect various Windows 10 devices to the wireless network at CCRI.
    How to download and install Office 365 to your device.
    How to move photos and files to OneDrive using the OneDrive app in Windows 8.1 or Windows RT 8.1
    How to add a shortcut to quickly open a program from the Desktop or Taskbar
    How to change web cam settings in Windows 10
    This article guides users on how to manually add a PaperCut printer to a CCRI issued device.
    This article provides step-by-step instructions on how to install PaperCut Mobile Printing on your personal Windows device to enable convenient printing on CCRI's networked printers.
    Here are the steps of what to do when you can't log into the computer in the classroom. Make sure to always contact Help Desk as the issue could be larger than a simple restart.
    In this article we'll be showing you the steps on how to connect your MAC laptop to projector in classrooms.