How to Create and Manage SharePoint Group/Site

Description: Creating a class SharePoint allows faculty members to facilitate document sharing with students. This article guides faculty through the process of creating a SharePoint group/site, adding students to the group, and sharing files with the group.

How-to Steps Part 1: Creating the SharePoint Group/Site

  1. Access SharePoint:
    • Log in to your Faculty/Staff webmail and select "SharePoint" from the App Launcher button in the top left.

  2. Create a New Site:
    • In SharePoint, click on the "+ Create site" button.

  3. Select The Type of Site:
    • For most situations, including creating SharePoints for your course or group, a "Team Site" will be the best option.

  4. Select a Template: 

    • SharePoint will prompt you to select a template for your new site. "Standard team" will provide a blank slate to work with. 

    • When you have a template selected, click "Use template". 

  5. Name Your Site:

    • SharePoint will prompt you to enter a name for your site. For the example we will use "CourseSharePointSite".

    • Note: This process will create a site email address and URL. The word "group" will always be appended to the end of the email and URL of your site. 

    • Once you have the information for your site entered, click "Next".
  6. Set Privacy and Language Settings:

    • SharePoint will prompt you to enter the preferred language and privacy settings for your site. 

      • "Private - only members can access this site" will allow only those you add in the later steps to access and view the site/group. Additionally, it prevents other members of CCRI from searching and accessing it without your authorization.

      • "Public - anyone in the organization can access this site" will allow anyone within CCRI to search, access, join, etc, the site you created without requiring any prior authorization. 

    • With your preferred options set, click "Create site". 

  7. Add Owners/Members:

    • Add in any Faculty or Staff members that you wish to grant access to the site by searching their name or username. Set their permissions during this step, by default, everyone added will be a "Member".

      • Members: Can edit and view site content, including files, pages, lists, and navigation. 

      • Owners: Full control of site content, theme, permissions, hub associations, and other site settings. 

    • NOTE: If you are creating a site for an academic course, you will have an opportunity to add students in a later step. 

    • Once you have all your members added, click "Finish". 
  8. After selecting Finish, SharePoint will bring you to the Site's home page. 

How-to Steps Part 2: Adding Students to SharePoint Group/Site

  1. Access Outlook:
    • Navigate to your Faculty/Staff Outlook email. 

  2. Go to the "Groups" section:
    • Scroll to the "Groups" section on the left side pane. Note: There may be a delay before your new group appears, or if you have multiple groups, you may have to select "More".

  3. Open the Group: 
    • Click on the new group/site created in Part 1 to open it within Outlook.

  4. Open Group Properties:
    • Click on the group's name to access the group properties page.

  5. Adding Students/Members:
    • Click on the "Members" tab, then select "Add Members" to add students to the group/site. Note: Students will be listed as "Guests".

    • Once all members are added, click "Add". You will see "Members successfully added", from there, click "Close". 

Your students and other members should now see the same group listed within their Outlook. They can follow the same steps above for access the group.

How-to Steps Part 3: Adding and Sharing Files with Members

  1. Access OneDrive:
    • Log in to your Faculty/Staff webmail and select "OneDrive" from the App Launcher.

  2. Upload Files:
    • Upload any files you wish to share with the group/site created in Part 1.

  3. Share Files:
    • Right-click on the uploaded document(s) and select "Share."

  4. Choose Recipients and Set Permission Levels:
    • Select either the entire group/site created in Part 1 or specific students (within the group) to share the files with.

    • Choose a permission option: "Can edit" (allows any changes to the file), "Can view" (allows viewing but not editing the file), "Can review" (allows suggesting approvable edits).

By adding and sharing files on SharePoint, all group/site members can access and duplicate them.

Additional Information:

  • Search or browse our online Knowledge Base
  • Call the CCRI IT Help Desk at (401) 825-1112
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Article ID: 136510
Wed 2/2/22 11:27 AM
Thu 11/16/23 11:42 AM