Checking/Monitoring Blackboard Course Quotas

Steps to monitor Blackboard course quotas:

  1. On the course Control Panel, select Course Copy from the Packages and Utilities drop down menu.
    (Please note: You will not be submitting a course copy.)
  2. On the Copy Course page, scroll down to the File Attachments area.
  3. In the File Attachment area, select the third radio button Copy links and copies of the content (include entire course home folder) located to the right of  the Course Files heading.
  4.  A Package Size heading will appear below the Course Files heading with two buttons on the right. Click on the Calculate Size button. The size of your course files folder will appear noted in mega bites (MB). The Allowed package size for the course files folder is noted above the Calculate Size button. The default course files quota is 500 MB.
  5. When done, click on Cancel

You can now monitor the course files folder size and either delete files or request more space before you exceed the allowed package size.

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