Office Hours
The Office Hours tool in Starfish allows you to set times you are available and for students to make appointments with you. Appointments through Starfish also provide confirmations and reminders for students.
Set-Up Office Hours
Once you are logged into Starfish, select the "hamburger" icon (the three lines) in the upper left-hand corner to open the left menu.

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Select Appointments

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A calendar view will open up. Select Office Hours from the top row of buttons to create a recurring set of times you are available to meet with students.
You will need to repeat this process to set up availability at additional locations (e.g., office hours on Newport and Lincoln)

Note: For a brief description of the other options, see the end of this article.
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A pop-up will appear titled Add Office Hours. Any item with a red asterisk is a required field.
Title - You can change this title to indicate other types of availability outside your regular office hours.
Where - select the location appropriate to these session dates/times.
How Long - dictates the time slots students use to schedule appointments in Starfish during these times.
Start/End Date - IMPORTANT: Set a Start and End Date to limit time slots, for example for a term.

Submit Changes
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You must hit Submit in the lower right corner to save any changes.  |
Appointment Menu buttons:
- Office Hours - adds recurring availability times and locations
- Appointment - creates a single meeting time with a student
- Group Session - creates a single meeting time open for students to sign up (e.g., Exam review)
- Event - creates a large event (used by Student Services)
- Reserve Time - creates blocks of time you are not available (not likely to be used by faculty)
- Scheduling Wizard - for advanced users to set up multiple availability blocks at once.
Additional Information:
- Search or browse our online Knowledge Base
- Call the CCRI IT Help Desk at (401) 825-1112
The Office Hours tool in Starfish allows you to set times you are available and for students to make appointments with you. Appointments through Starfish also provide confirmations and reminders for students.