Search78 Results

Services or Offerings?
Request to have a CCRI phone extension added, changed, or removed.

Become a content manager for your department or CCRI organization.

Problems access a CCRI computer system, such as Banner, Argos, Workflow, etc.

Problems connecting to the Internet while on any of the CCRI campuses.

Use this service type when you can't find what you need

Request help with Class Collaborate Ultra.

Update personal information in MyCCRI to get emergency notifications via text and/or email.

Connecting to the CCRI wireless without a CCRI account.

This Service is to upgrade the MAC OS on CCRI owned devices.

Get support for Office 365 products.

Request assistance with OneDrive.

Issues connecting to the CCRI wireless network.

Having a problem with Outlook? Submit a ticket using this service request.