Set up Student Accommodations for Assessments in Blackboard Ultra

Set Accommodations for Timed Assessments

Job Aid Audience: Instructors

CCRI instructors can support students with accommodations in a Blackboard course timed assessments by adjusting time limits, exempting students from time limits, and/or exempting students from due dates entirely which will omit late penalties entirely allowing students to work at their own pace. These accommodations can be setup for individual students as global accommodations from the roster tool. Additionally, exceptions can also be granted on specific Assignments and Tests using Availability Exceptions.

More From Blackboard Support on Accommodations

Add an Accommodation

Open the Roster in the Details & Actions panel. Then click the three dots (...) for the student and select Accommodations

select Time Limit and enter a percentage to extend the assessment timer for a student

You can select two different types of accommodations for students:

  • Due date accommodation: Students with this accommodation will never have their work marked late.
  • Time limit accommodation: Students with a time limit accommodation have more time to finish their work during timed assessments. You can specify the amount of extra time by entering a percentage. For example, enter 50% to allow 50% additional time (e.g., 1.5 hours instead of 1 hour) or 100% to allow double the allotted time (e.g., 2 hours instead of 1 hour). 

Students with accommodations appear with a purple flag icon next to their name in the Gradebook and Roster. The flag icon is only visible to instructors and teaching assistants; it is not visible to students.

a purple flag icon appears next to the student's name on the grading page for an assignment or on the roster

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