Viewing Faculty Office Hours

Description: Here's an easy way to view office hours a faculty member has posted to a course you are taking.

How-to Steps:

  1. Log into MyCCRI
  2. Click the "hamburger" icon in the top left corner
     Uploaded Image (Thumbnail) 
  3. Select the "For Students" option
     Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)  
  4. Locate the "My Student Profile" card
    Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
  5. Click the "Student Profile" button
    Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
  6. In your Student Profile, click “My Schedule”
    Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
  7. Select a term period and press “Submit”
    Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
  8. If your instructor has posted the office hours, scroll down to the appropriate course and the Assigned Instructor's name  will be a hyperlink that you can click on to view the posted office hours.

Additional Information:

  • Search or browse our online Knowledge Base
  • Call the CCRI IT Help Desk at (401) 825-1112