How to Add Classes in MyCCRI

Description:  Current CCRI Students can avoid long lines by registering for classes online in MyCCRI.
Note that this function is only available during the normal registration cycle. (See academic calendar).

Please be aware that at some times during a registration cycle, degree-seeking students are given preference over non-degree students. This means that registration may be closed to a student who is not in a degree program even though registration is open. To find out more about getting into a degree program if you are not already in one, please click here to get information on admission to the college. Also be aware that during some registration periods, courses must be paid at the time of registration. These dates can be found on the payment calendar which is published by the Bursar's Office.

For current CCRI students only.

New students: See information on the Admissions site »

How-to Steps:

  1. Log in to your MyCCRI account and click "Register" on the Registration Tools tile.

  2. After clicking "register," you will be taken to the CCRI College Scheduler Tool.

    Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
  3. If you are using a computer to sign up for classes, please watch the following video on using the College Scheduler Tool to register for courses. 

  4. If you are using your phone to sign up for classes, please review this video using the College Scheduler Tool. 

  5. Once you have selected the schedule that works best for you, click "Send to shopping Cart"

  6. Review your schedule again.

  7. Click "Register"

  8. Then click "Continue" to complete your registration. 


Additional Information:

  • Search or browse our online Knowledge Base
  • Call the CCRI IT Help Desk at (401) 825-1112