Description: This service includes
CCRI technology is replaced in accordance with our Technology Renewal Plan (Technology Renewal Policy).
With respect to new computer equipment requests, the guidelines below will be followed:
- For New Hires
- Into an Existing Position - Computer equipment is assigned to the position rather than to the employee, so newly-hired faculty and staff will use the technology from the previous employee in that position.
- Into a New Position - Computer equipment for new positions is the responsibility of the IT Department, provided funding is available.
- For Existing Employees
- If a faculty or staff member requests additional or upgraded technology that does not fall under the scope of the Technology Renewal Plan, the employee will be given a quote so that the their department may purchase the technology, as appropriate.
Additional Information:
- Search or browse our online Knowledge Base
- Call the CCRI IT Help Desk at (401) 825-1112