Hide/Show Users in the Blackboard Grade Center

Description: Hide/Show Rows in the Blackboard Grade Center. You can hide user rows to reduce the number of rows in the Grade Center and help you focus on specific data. When you hide user rows, the data is retained and you can show them again at any time. You can hide user rows using the hide functions in a user's contextual menu or from the Row Visibility page. On the Row Visibility page, you can also show hidden user rows. If you have made a user unavailable on the Users page, the User Unavailable icon(no icon) appears in the user’s first cell in the Grade Center. However, the row is not hidden in the grid. Unavailable users cannot access your course.

Watch the video at the below link to learn how to hide and show users in the Grade Center.

Hide/Show Rows in the Grade Center

How to Hide User Rows Using the Contextual Menu:

  1. On the Control Panel located under Course Management, click on Grade Center and then Full Grade Center.
  2. In the Grade Center, move your mouse pointer over a student's name cell to see the Action Link (down arrow). Click it to access the contextual menu.
  3. Select Hide Row to hide the user's row. A message appears stating that the row has been successfully hidden.

How to Show Users on the Row Visibility Page:

  1. On the Grade Center Action Bar located at the top of the page, point to Manage to access the drop-down list.
  2. Select Row Visibility.
  3. On the Row Visibility page, select the check boxes for the users to show or hide. Select the check box in the header row to select all users.
  4. On the Action Bar, click Hide Rows or Show Rows .
  5. Click Submit.

Additional Information:

  • Search or browse our online Knowledge Base
  • Call the CCRI IT Help Desk at (401) 825-1112
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